Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Well it's been 2 years since I have blogged!! ALOT has happened!! I have gotten married AND I'm a mommy!! :D  Here are some pics of my sweet angel, Brady Anne!! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finally out of school!! :)

Well I finished school Monday!! Yay! I'm so glad to be done for a couple of weeks!! I have a lot of wedding stuff to do and I also get to enjoy my shower with my family and my bachelorette party!! :) Can't believe the wedding is 38 days away! We still have lots to do but I'm glad it's finally here. I'm gonna enjoy the week and a half I have off from school and work!
On a brighter note, Kera is having Caden tomorrow! YAY!! Can't wait to go to the hospital tomorrow night and see him!! So happy for her and Chris! I'm sure I will blog later but for now, the mound of laundry on my bed is calling my name! :)


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Getting Started!!

I'm new to blogging and I'm already loving it!! I have enjoyed reading my aunt tiffany's blog and my friend kera's blog so I decided that I should have one too!! :) A little about Brody and I...we started dating June 13, 2005. He proposed March 20, 2009 and now we are getting married June 12, 2010, in 46 days!! Wedding planning is CRAZY and I never thought it would be so much work, but thanks to my mom, I haven't had to do much!! I'm really excited about my life with Brody as his wife and ready to see what our future holds together!! I will blog more later but for now, off to more homework!!

-Brandy... soon to be Brandy Seymore :)